Whether you’re a web developer, designer, agency, or even a client, keeping track of communication is a big part of the job. With a responsive design, visitors can easily receive as much information as they need from the site – either skim through examples of her work or click on them for more details. Seán Halpin is a web designer who focuses on creating engaging website designs with responsive UI. Seán’s ability to integrate color and visuals effectively into his portfolio shows his creativity as a designer. The design of this site is simple and straightforward, providing easy access to his works, resume, and blog. One of the highlights is the project section, where each work is displayed in the form of playing cards with animation effects.

front end developer portfolios

The CSS variables initially declared will be very instrumental here. In addition, I also applied a shadow to the bottom of the navbar with the box-shadow property. The z-index property with the value of 1 makes sure the navbar displays over any other element on the web page.

Archive your past projects.

This agency site shows off the team’s CSS skills by including smooth hover effects that appear during the initial scroll. Example for those who want to impress visitors and provide detailed information. It uses the how to become a front end developer fullPage.js component to achieve the stunning fullscreen scrolling effect that, in combination with the other animations, it gives the page a new touch. Example of a portfolio with clever animations and transitions.

front end developer portfolios

Whichever route you take to apply your skills, having a portfolio allows you to showcase your skills and credentials to get access to backend developer jobs. Personally, I think that when creating a frontend developer portfolio, you should still not avoid using animation to achieve the fastest loading time. Because I believe that the site, and especially if it is your portfolio, then it should be treated as a canvas on which you will paint your picture. A portfolio should not be a place where standard information about yourself is simply written.

What is a front-end developer portfolio anyway?

All we need to do is give it a flex direction of column in the media query, reduce the width and height of Jane Doe’s image, and make the About Me text (bio text) readable. We will start making the website responsive right from the navbar, because the navbar doesn’t look good on smaller devices. In the media query, I will be using 2 breakpoints – 720px and 420px. To make the website responsive, we will be using CSS media queries and Flexbox. In the remaining lines, I used the click eventListener to get the user’s click action and exploit the scrollTo part of the windows object to make the button functional.

front end developer portfolios

Jack works from Russia and is another full-stack web developer. The number of people in this profession is growing substantially. With competition healthy, every developer needs a portfolio that sets them apart from the rest and makes them attractive to potential employers and clients. Most employers or clients will check if social media accounts are included in the portfolio.

How often should I update my freelancer developer portfolio?

Additionally, creating a portfolio is an important exercise in self-branding and self-reflection. Keeping a running list of your top projects can help identify professional areas of strength and weakness, as well as particular subsets of the field that interest you to specialize in. Your portfolio can be shared out easily by stakeholders within a hiring team or client and prove your commitment to staying up-to-date with continually updating tech trends. As a future front-end web developer, your portfolio is an opportunity to leap off of the resume page and demonstrate exactly what you’re capable of. While if you have a design background, it might seem simple, to throw a site together, crafting a clutter-free and unique portfolio can play a vital role in landing you that next offer.

  • Brightly colored, beautiful, and bold, this portfolio is a showcase of his design skills even before you get to his portfolio pieces.
  • Whichever route you take to apply your skills, having a portfolio allows you to showcase your skills and credentials to get access to backend developer jobs.
  • Most employers or clients will check if social media accounts are included in the portfolio.

Lastly, you’ll want to add a phone number as a secondary contact option. List only the skills that are most relevant to the role you’re applying for. As we mentioned, recruiters go through many applicants, so they’ll be scanning for specific words and phrases. Start building your website and create a portfolio today with Mailchimp. This shows the breadth of your skills while also digging into your experience as a web developer.

Examples of Web Developer Portfolios for Inspiration

We have compiled some examples of web developer portfolios that are executed well. As a web developer, you need to have a portfolio that showcases your skills. A web development portfolio allows you to show a prospective client that you have the abilities and experience to complete a job. And having an impressive portfolio can help you get the contract over the competition. Matt’s portfolio has pretty much all the information you need about his expertise in design and coding.

If you’re less comfortable with this more technical side of the role, try to find a mentor to review your work prior to posting. A developer portfolio website provides relevant information to potential employers about your skills, experience, and projects you’ve worked on. Rafael is a full-stack web developer and UI/UX JavaScript specialist.